Sixth Chords are triads with the addition of a major sixth on top. The interval structure of a sixth chord is very simple and there are only two variations:
1 – 3 – 5 – 6
1 – ♭3 – 5 – 6
The first is known primarily simply as a sixth chord, but could be called a major sixth chord. The second would be a minor sixth chord (or a minor-major sixth, to emphasize that we only use a major sixth).
On your fretboard they are easy to construct because the sixth is one fourth above the third. Using the NANDI Method you can easily find the sixth by using your third as a reference point.
Below are Fmaj6 drop 2 voicings with the root, third and fifth in the bass.
Below are Fmin6 drop 2 voicings with the root, third and fifth in the bass.
Find every sixth interval on the guitar effortlessly without memorization!
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